What trade-offs are involved in (a) sharing information with other organizations in a supply chain and (b) the acquisition of information-processing technology?

Technology has changed the way we conduct business on a daily basis. A number of organizations have opted for integrating systems and sharing information with their counterparts.

Using the University online library resources and the Internet, research information technology (IT) systems for supply chains.

Then respond to the following:

  • As a manager, if you have to design an IT system for supply chain purposes using a cross-functional team, who would you include on your team and why?
  • Explain some of the trade-offs you would consider when designing/acquiring the system. Be specific and support your reasoning with examples.

After your initial post, discuss the following:

  • What trade-offs are involved in (a) sharing information with other organizations in a supply chain and (b) the acquisition of information-processing technology?
  • Who needs to be involved in decisions as they pertain to technology acquisition for supply chain management?
  • Name three different ways that technology has improved the ability to manage supply chains.
  • Explain why integrated technology has improved the ability to manage supply chains.

Write your initial response in 200 to 300 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.


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