MODULE 5 ASSIGNMENT ENVM 585: WATER AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT Module 5: Engineered Systems for Water Treatment: Part 1 Each question is worth 10 points. 1. Discuss how you would go about collecting data for an analysis of the water budget of a region. 2. D
Module 5: Engineered Systems for Water Treatment: Part 1
Each question is worth 10 points.
- Discuss how you would go about collecting data for an analysis of the water budget of a region.
- Discuss how the principle of sand filtration has evolved and the impact that it has had in conjunction with chlorination on the occurrence of waterborne diseases.
- Discuss the differences in the quality of water obtained from groundwater sources and water obtained from surface water sources.
- Discuss thermal stratification, how it may cause a water quality issue that needs to be addressed and a treatment method to deal with the problem.
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