Increase paper readability by using headers to organize your thoughts and create a better flow.

Management Essay

The comprehensive paper is between 6 – 8 pages long. It is imperative in leadership and management positions that you understand what type of a leader you are. The assignments will help you to reflect on what type of leader you are, what your strengths and weaknesses are, and how you will work on those weaknesses to improve your managerial and leadership talents.

The ten assignments should be included in the final paper document (the appendix) when submitted. Make sure they are clearly labeled with a header identifying EACH assignment. The final paper will be a minimum of six pages (not including your appendices) and should address the following four main topic areas:

1) Strengths as a Future Manager

2) Development Areas as a Future Manager

3) Strategies to Improve Development Areas

4) The Conclusion.


* Increase paper readability by using headers to organize your thoughts and create a better flow.

The final self development paper should be reflective in nature however, should also clearly cite managerial theory and give proper credit to the original authorsAPA Style should be used. 1” margins, 12 font (Times New Roman), title page, headers used in appendix and body and running header.

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