Indication of what measurement(s) would be required to gather data on the various components making up the entire installation should be presented.

Under the KYOTO agreement, and other initiatives to combat climate change, governments are
requiring commercial energy users to reduce energy consumption. In addition, distributed
generation is being promoted as being beneficial to electrical networks.
A landowner has been approached by a company which is suggesting that his energy bill can be
lowered, and that income can be generated, from the installation of either a 1.8 MW wind
turbine or an equivalent solar photovoltaic (PV) farm on his land. The landowner has requested
a document outlining the operation of the wind-turbine and of solar PV, what other equipment
would need to be installed on his land and how the energy is fed into the electrical grid. He also
wishes to understand the resources required to monitor and maintain such installations.
Produce a document outlining:
(i) the operation of a wind turbine and the electrical interface from the turbine to the
electricity grid;
(ii) the operation of a solar PV farm and the electrical interface from the system to the
electricity grid;
(iii) the likely energy output for the equipment in a typical location in Oman;
(iv) the types of monitoring equipment which could be installed to ensure safe operation
of the equipment;
(v) the maintenance requirements for both installations;
(vi) the environmental considerations around both types of equipment.
The document should be written in a way that a non-expert can understand the interaction of
the components.
Indication of what measurement(s) would be required to gather data on the various
components making up the entire installation should be presented.
The document should also address possible asset management plans, i.e. aspects of the plant
which could be monitored, devices which would be used to monitor the plant and the frequency
Justification of the choice of monitoring equipment and the maintenance regime from
background reading would strengthen the case being presented to the customer.
The report:
The report, as discussed in the class, should be based on government reports, journal paper,
review of manufacturers’ literature and personal experience (if appropriate).
The report should provide evidence of the following:
Ability to structure and present information
Evidence of background reading and clear understanding of main issues
Basic technical description of assets involved in this area
Critical appraisal of issues
Relevancy and accuracy of arguments

Relevant conclusions

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