Literature homework
The first draft of the brief literature review is due. This literature review should be from a comprehensive literature search and cover major themes you have identified in the literature. You should ensure that you are identifying and giving consideration to the theoretical or conceptual frameworks present in the literature you are reviewing (see Bloomberg & Volpe, 2008; Ridley, 2012). In this paper, you also need to focus on synthesizing and aggregating the literature, as well as providing a critical analysis of the literature from at least 15 scholarly sources (see readings from this week and Ridley, Chapter 8—regarding analysis and synthesis). Integrate or combine your resources to determine what conclusions can be drawn from the articles as a group, whereby the focus is on content (conclusions, hypotheses, or premises), rather than the individual authors or articles. Topics in need of additional research may also be discovered while aggregating your resources. Finally, ensure your draft adheres with the publication requirements of the APA Publication Manual (6th ed.) and that your draft is free of typographical and grammatical errors. This is a kind reminder that you should continually proofread your work.
Length: 10-12 pages minimum (this page length requirement does not include the reference list)
Note: You will be required to submit a second draft of the brief literature review that you have expanded. Therefore, you will need to include additional peer-reviewed sources in Week 11 of this course as part of the Signature Assignment.
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